

Alias for THYVCLVisualPlugin. Added for backward compatibility.



constructor Create  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Creates a new instance of the class.

constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)


  • aOwner: Reference to the owner object.

AfterConstruction  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Responds after the last constructor has executed.

procedure AfterConstruction

ControlAsPlugin    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform plugin.

property ControlAsPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformPlugin read

ControlAsVisualPlugin    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin read

ControlAsVisualPluginEx    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets a reference to the control as an extended cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPluginEx: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPluginEx read

ControlsRepository    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets or sets reference to a controls repository.

property ControlsRepository: THYPluginControlsRepository read write

CreateParams  protected override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Initializes a window-creation parameter data structure.

procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams)


  • Params: Reference to a parameter structure.

CrossPlatformHost  protected    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Reference to an instance of a cross platform host.

property CrossPlatformHost: IHYCrossPlatformHost read

fHYControlAsVisualPlugin    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

fHYControlAsVisualPlugin: THYVCLControlAsVisualPlugin

Host  protected    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets reference to an instance of a host.

property Host: IHYVCLHost read

InstanceID    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

property InstanceID: NativeInt read

NewInstance  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.

class function NewInstance: TObject

OnHostParametersChange  protected virtual    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Event handler. Reacts on host parameters changed.

procedure OnHostParametersChange(Sender: TObject)


  • Sender: Object that initiates this event handler.

OnProcessTabKey    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

This event handler allows to process Tab key press.

property OnProcessTabKey: THYProcessTabKeyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProcessTabKey(Sender: TObject; const Shift: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

OnReferenceCountChange    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Fired whenever number of references is changed.

property OnReferenceCountChange: THYReferenceCountChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnReferenceCountChange(Sender: TObject; NewReferenceCount: Integer; Operation: THYReferenceCountOperation)

OnSetHost    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Fired whenever reference to a host changed.

property OnSetHost: THYHostSetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHost(const Sender: IHYVCLHostAware; const aHost: IHYVCLHost)

OnSetHostParameters    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Fired whenever parameters of the host changed.

property OnSetHostParameters: THYHostParametersChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHostParameters(const aHost: IHYVCLHost; aParameters: TStrings)

Paint  protected override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Paints content of the control.

procedure Paint

PluginActions    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets of sets reference to the action list associated with the plugin.

property PluginActions: TActionList read write

SetFocusedControl  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Sets focus to a control on the form.

function SetFocusedControl(Control: TWinControl): Boolean


  • Control: Reference to a control.

ShowParented  protected    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Displays content of the plugin inside specified parent control.

procedure ShowParented(aParent: TWinControl)


  • aParent: Reference to a parent control.

ShowWindowed  protected    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Displays content of the plugin without parent control.

procedure ShowWindowed

WantChildKey  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Indicates whether the form processes keyboard input for a control it owns.

function WantChildKey(Child: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean


  • Child: Child control that recieves input.
  • Message: Input message structure.

WMHostIdle  protected message    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Handles idle message that is sent by the host.

procedure WMHostIdle(var Message: TMessage)


  • Message: Idle message structure.


fHYControlAsVisualPlugin    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

fHYControlAsVisualPlugin: THYVCLControlAsVisualPlugin


ControlAsPlugin    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform plugin.

property ControlAsPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformPlugin read

ControlAsVisualPlugin    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin read

ControlAsVisualPluginEx    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets a reference to the control as an extended cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPluginEx: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPluginEx read

ControlsRepository    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets or sets reference to a controls repository.

property ControlsRepository: THYPluginControlsRepository read write

CrossPlatformHost  protected    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Reference to an instance of a cross platform host.

property CrossPlatformHost: IHYCrossPlatformHost read

Host  protected    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets reference to an instance of a host.

property Host: IHYVCLHost read

InstanceID    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

property InstanceID: NativeInt read

PluginActions    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Gets of sets reference to the action list associated with the plugin.

property PluginActions: TActionList read write


NewInstance  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.

class function NewInstance: TObject


constructor Create  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Creates a new instance of the class.

constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)


  • aOwner: Reference to the owner object.

AfterConstruction  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Responds after the last constructor has executed.

procedure AfterConstruction

CreateParams  protected override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Initializes a window-creation parameter data structure.

procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams)


  • Params: Reference to a parameter structure.

OnHostParametersChange  protected virtual    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Event handler. Reacts on host parameters changed.

procedure OnHostParametersChange(Sender: TObject)


  • Sender: Object that initiates this event handler.

Paint  protected override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Paints content of the control.

procedure Paint

SetFocusedControl  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Sets focus to a control on the form.

function SetFocusedControl(Control: TWinControl): Boolean


  • Control: Reference to a control.

ShowParented  protected    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Displays content of the plugin inside specified parent control.

procedure ShowParented(aParent: TWinControl)


  • aParent: Reference to a parent control.

ShowWindowed  protected    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Displays content of the plugin without parent control.

procedure ShowWindowed

WantChildKey  override    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Overriden. Indicates whether the form processes keyboard input for a control it owns.

function WantChildKey(Child: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean


  • Child: Child control that recieves input.
  • Message: Input message structure.

WMHostIdle  protected message    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Handles idle message that is sent by the host.

procedure WMHostIdle(var Message: TMessage)


  • Message: Idle message structure.


OnProcessTabKey    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

This event handler allows to process Tab key press.

property OnProcessTabKey: THYProcessTabKeyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProcessTabKey(Sender: TObject; const Shift: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

OnReferenceCountChange    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Fired whenever number of references is changed.

property OnReferenceCountChange: THYReferenceCountChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnReferenceCountChange(Sender: TObject; NewReferenceCount: Integer; Operation: THYReferenceCountOperation)

OnSetHost    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Fired whenever reference to a host changed.

property OnSetHost: THYHostSetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHost(const Sender: IHYVCLHostAware; const aHost: IHYVCLHost)

OnSetHostParameters    (declared in THYVCLVisualPlugin)

Fired whenever parameters of the host changed.

property OnSetHostParameters: THYHostParametersChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHostParameters(const aHost: IHYVCLHost; aParameters: TStrings)