

THYVisualPlugin is the base class for Hydra VCL visual plugins. You will use this class as a base for your own visual plugins, please refere to this article for more information about visual plugins.



constructor Create  override

Creates a new instance of the class.

constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)


  • aOwner: Reference to the owner object.

AfterConstruction  override

Overriden. Responds after the last constructor has executed.

procedure AfterConstruction


Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform plugin.

property ControlAsPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformPlugin read


Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin read


Gets a reference to the control as an extended cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPluginEx: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPluginEx read


Gets or sets reference to a controls repository.

property ControlsRepository: THYPluginControlsRepository read write

CreateParams  protected override

Overriden. Initializes a window-creation parameter data structure.

procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams)


  • Params: Reference to a parameter structure.

CrossPlatformHost  protected

Reference to an instance of a cross platform host.

property CrossPlatformHost: IHYCrossPlatformHost read


fHYControlAsVisualPlugin: THYVCLControlAsVisualPlugin

Host  protected

Gets reference to an instance of a host.

property Host: IHYVCLHost read


property InstanceID: NativeInt read

NewInstance  override

Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.

class function NewInstance: TObject

OnHostParametersChange  protected virtual

Event handler. Reacts on host parameters changed.

procedure OnHostParametersChange(Sender: TObject)


  • Sender: Object that initiates this event handler.


This event handler allows to process Tab key press.

property OnProcessTabKey: THYProcessTabKeyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProcessTabKey(Sender: TObject; const Shift: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)


Fired whenever number of references is changed.

property OnReferenceCountChange: THYReferenceCountChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnReferenceCountChange(Sender: TObject; NewReferenceCount: Integer; Operation: THYReferenceCountOperation)


Fired whenever reference to a host changed.

property OnSetHost: THYHostSetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHost(const Sender: IHYVCLHostAware; const aHost: IHYVCLHost)


Fired whenever parameters of the host changed.

property OnSetHostParameters: THYHostParametersChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHostParameters(const aHost: IHYVCLHost; aParameters: TStrings)

Paint  protected override

Overriden. Paints content of the control.

procedure Paint


Gets of sets reference to the action list associated with the plugin.

property PluginActions: TActionList read write

SetFocusedControl  override

Overriden. Sets focus to a control on the form.

function SetFocusedControl(Control: TWinControl): Boolean


  • Control: Reference to a control.

ShowParented  protected

Displays content of the plugin inside specified parent control.

procedure ShowParented(aParent: TWinControl)


  • aParent: Reference to a parent control.

ShowWindowed  protected

Displays content of the plugin without parent control.

procedure ShowWindowed

WantChildKey  override

Overriden. Indicates whether the form processes keyboard input for a control it owns.

function WantChildKey(Child: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean


  • Child: Child control that recieves input.
  • Message: Input message structure.

WMHostIdle  protected message

Handles idle message that is sent by the host.

procedure WMHostIdle(var Message: TMessage)


  • Message: Idle message structure.



fHYControlAsVisualPlugin: THYVCLControlAsVisualPlugin



Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform plugin.

property ControlAsPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformPlugin read


Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin read


Gets a reference to the control as an extended cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPluginEx: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPluginEx read


Gets or sets reference to a controls repository.

property ControlsRepository: THYPluginControlsRepository read write

CrossPlatformHost  protected

Reference to an instance of a cross platform host.

property CrossPlatformHost: IHYCrossPlatformHost read

Host  protected

Gets reference to an instance of a host.

property Host: IHYVCLHost read


property InstanceID: NativeInt read


Gets of sets reference to the action list associated with the plugin.

property PluginActions: TActionList read write


NewInstance  override

Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.

class function NewInstance: TObject


constructor Create  override

Creates a new instance of the class.

constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)


  • aOwner: Reference to the owner object.

AfterConstruction  override

Overriden. Responds after the last constructor has executed.

procedure AfterConstruction

CreateParams  protected override

Overriden. Initializes a window-creation parameter data structure.

procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams)


  • Params: Reference to a parameter structure.

OnHostParametersChange  protected virtual

Event handler. Reacts on host parameters changed.

procedure OnHostParametersChange(Sender: TObject)


  • Sender: Object that initiates this event handler.

Paint  protected override

Overriden. Paints content of the control.

procedure Paint

SetFocusedControl  override

Overriden. Sets focus to a control on the form.

function SetFocusedControl(Control: TWinControl): Boolean


  • Control: Reference to a control.

ShowParented  protected

Displays content of the plugin inside specified parent control.

procedure ShowParented(aParent: TWinControl)


  • aParent: Reference to a parent control.

ShowWindowed  protected

Displays content of the plugin without parent control.

procedure ShowWindowed

WantChildKey  override

Overriden. Indicates whether the form processes keyboard input for a control it owns.

function WantChildKey(Child: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean


  • Child: Child control that recieves input.
  • Message: Input message structure.

WMHostIdle  protected message

Handles idle message that is sent by the host.

procedure WMHostIdle(var Message: TMessage)


  • Message: Idle message structure.



This event handler allows to process Tab key press.

property OnProcessTabKey: THYProcessTabKeyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProcessTabKey(Sender: TObject; const Shift: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)


Fired whenever number of references is changed.

property OnReferenceCountChange: THYReferenceCountChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnReferenceCountChange(Sender: TObject; NewReferenceCount: Integer; Operation: THYReferenceCountOperation)


Fired whenever reference to a host changed.

property OnSetHost: THYHostSetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHost(const Sender: IHYVCLHostAware; const aHost: IHYVCLHost)


Fired whenever parameters of the host changed.

property OnSetHostParameters: THYHostParametersChangeEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHostParameters(const aHost: IHYVCLHost; aParameters: TStrings)