

The THYFMXNativeHostPanel is a base control for a visual plugin placeholders. This control provides basic method for hosting visual plugin instances.



constructor Create  override

Creates a new instance of the class.

constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)


  • AOwner: Reference to a parent control.

ChangePaintingState    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Changes painting state of the control.

procedure ChangePaintingState(Enable: Boolean)


  • Enable: Value that indicates wheter painting will be enabled or disabled.

CreateHandle  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Creates a new window handle for the embedded window.

procedure CreateHandle

Design  protected    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets a value that indicates whether control is in design mode.

property Design: Boolean read

DestroyHandle  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Destroys a handle of the underlying window.

procedure DestroyHandle

GetShiftState  protected    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Returns current keyboard shift state.

function GetShiftState: TShiftState

Handle    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets window handle of the underlying window.

property Handle: THandle read

HideWindow  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Hides underlying window.

procedure HideWindow

HostPlugin  virtual

Hosts a specified plugin instance.

procedure HostPlugin(Instance: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin)


  • Instance: Reference to an instance of a visual plugin.


Gets reference to a plugin instance.

property Instance: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin read

IsWindowActive  protected    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets a value that shows whether window is active.

property IsWindowActive: Boolean read

MatrixChanged  protected override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Overriden. Handles changes to the transformation matrix.

procedure MatrixChanged(Sender: TObject)


  • Sender:

ParentForm    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets reference to a parent form.

property ParentForm: TCustomForm read

ParentFormHandle    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets handle of the parent window.

property ParentFormHandle: HWND read

RecalcAbsolute  override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Overriden. Forces the current control to recalculate the AbsoluteMatrix property.

procedure RecalcAbsolute

RedrawWindow  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Redraws underlying window.

procedure RedrawWindow

ReleasePlugin  virtual

Releases hosted plugin instance.

procedure ReleasePlugin

Resize  protected override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Overriden. OnResize event dispatcher.

procedure Resize

ResizeWindow  protected override

Resizes underlying window.

procedure ResizeWindow

SendTab  protected    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Sends TAB key to a prent form.

procedure SendTab

SetParent  protected override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Overriden. Sets parent object.

procedure SetParent(const Value: TFmxObject)


  • Value: Reference to a new parent object.

SetVisible  protected override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Changes control visibility state.

procedure SetVisible(const Value: Boolean)


  • Value: Value that indicates whether control is visible.

ShowWindow  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Shows underlying window.

procedure ShowWindow

WindowProc  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Processes messages sent to a window.

function WindowProc(hwnd: hwnd; uMsg: UINT; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam): LRESULT


  • hwnd: A handle to the window.
  • uMsg: Message code.
  • wParam: Additional message information.
  • lParam: Additional message information.

WindowRect    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets rectange of the control.

property WindowRect: TRect read


Design  protected    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets a value that indicates whether control is in design mode.

property Design: Boolean read

Handle    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets window handle of the underlying window.

property Handle: THandle read


Gets reference to a plugin instance.

property Instance: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin read

IsWindowActive  protected    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets a value that shows whether window is active.

property IsWindowActive: Boolean read

ParentForm    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets reference to a parent form.

property ParentForm: TCustomForm read

ParentFormHandle    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets handle of the parent window.

property ParentFormHandle: HWND read

WindowRect    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Gets rectange of the control.

property WindowRect: TRect read


constructor Create  override

Creates a new instance of the class.

constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)


  • AOwner: Reference to a parent control.

ChangePaintingState    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Changes painting state of the control.

procedure ChangePaintingState(Enable: Boolean)


  • Enable: Value that indicates wheter painting will be enabled or disabled.

CreateHandle  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Creates a new window handle for the embedded window.

procedure CreateHandle

DestroyHandle  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Destroys a handle of the underlying window.

procedure DestroyHandle

GetShiftState  protected    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Returns current keyboard shift state.

function GetShiftState: TShiftState

HideWindow  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Hides underlying window.

procedure HideWindow

HostPlugin  virtual

Hosts a specified plugin instance.

procedure HostPlugin(Instance: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin)


  • Instance: Reference to an instance of a visual plugin.

MatrixChanged  protected override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Overriden. Handles changes to the transformation matrix.

procedure MatrixChanged(Sender: TObject)


  • Sender:

RecalcAbsolute  override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Overriden. Forces the current control to recalculate the AbsoluteMatrix property.

procedure RecalcAbsolute

RedrawWindow  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Redraws underlying window.

procedure RedrawWindow

ReleasePlugin  virtual

Releases hosted plugin instance.

procedure ReleasePlugin

Resize  protected override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Overriden. OnResize event dispatcher.

procedure Resize

ResizeWindow  protected override

Resizes underlying window.

procedure ResizeWindow

SendTab  protected    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Sends TAB key to a prent form.

procedure SendTab

SetParent  protected override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Overriden. Sets parent object.

procedure SetParent(const Value: TFmxObject)


  • Value: Reference to a new parent object.

SetVisible  protected override    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Changes control visibility state.

procedure SetVisible(const Value: Boolean)


  • Value: Value that indicates whether control is visible.

ShowWindow  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Shows underlying window.

procedure ShowWindow

WindowProc  protected virtual    (declared in THYFMXNativePanel)

Processes messages sent to a window.

function WindowProc(hwnd: hwnd; uMsg: UINT; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam): LRESULT


  • hwnd: A handle to the window.
  • uMsg: Message code.
  • wParam: Additional message information.
  • lParam: Additional message information.