

The THYBaseModuleManager class is a base class that centralizes module management in the Hydra host appliations. This class allows to load plugin modules, create plugin instances and manage custom interfaces.




Gets or sets value that indicates whether module manager will automaticaly load plugin modules from ModulesToLoad list.

property AutoLoad: Boolean read write


Gets value that indicates whether module manager performing auto-load operation at the moment.

property AutoLoading: Boolean read

ComModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates COM module

function ComModuleCreator(const aGuid: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aGuid: guid
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored

CreateInstance (string): IInterface  overload

Creates a new instance of the plugin with specified name.

function CreateInstance(const PluginName: string): IInterface


  • PluginName: Name of the plugin instance.

CreateInstance (string, IInterface)  overload virtual abstract

Creates a new instance of the plugin with specified name.

procedure CreateInstance(const PluginName: string; out anInstance: IInterface)


  • PluginName: Name of the plugin instance.
  • anInstance: Pointer to the new instance of the plugin.

CreateWrapper  protected virtual abstract

Creates a new instance of the Delphi plugin wrapper from cross-paltform plugin instance.

function CreateWrapper(aPlugin: IDispatch; aDescriptor: THYPluginDescriptor): IInterface


  • aPlugin: Cross-platform plugin instance
  • aDescriptor: Plugin descriptor


Gets or sets reference to a object that will receive QueryInterface calls if module manager unable to process them.

property CustomImplementer: IInterface read write


Gets or sets value that indicates whether module manager will perform security checks when it creates a new instance of the plugin.

property EnforceSecurity: Boolean read write


Searches for a plugin module with given name. If module can not be found returns nil.

function FindModule(const aFileName: string): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module file.

FMXModuleCreator  protected virtual

Creates FMX module

function FMXModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored


Seaches for files with specified search pattern and fills aList with file names.

function GetModuleFileNames(aList: TStrings; const aSearchPath: string): Integer


  • aList: List that will be filled with file names.
  • aSearchPath: Search pattern. For example *.dll.

HasPrivilege  virtual

Checks whether specified privilages is supported by this application. This method will use associated UserProfile or (if its not available) will trigger a OnPrivilageCheck event.

function HasPrivilege(const aPrivilege: string): Boolean


  • aPrivilege: User defined privilage.

JavaModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates Java module

function JavaModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored


Loads COM module

function LoadComModule(const aGuid: string): Integer


  • aGuid: guid


Loads Java module

function LoadJavaModule(const aFileName: string): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.

LoadManagedModule (string, THYClrDomain): Integer  overload

Loads managed module

function LoadManagedModule(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain.

LoadManagedModule (string, Boolean): Integer  overload

Loads managed module

function LoadManagedModule(const aFileName: string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain.

LoadModule (string, THYClrDomain): Integer  overload

Loads a plugin module with specified path, type of the plugin will be detected automatically.

function LoadModule(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModule (string, Boolean): Integer  overload

Loads a plugin module with specified path, type of the plugin will be detected automatically.

function LoadModule(const aFileName: string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (THYClrDomain)  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain)


  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (array of string, THYClrDomain)  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aFileNames: array of string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain)


  • aFileNames: Array of strings that holds file pathes.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (array of string, Boolean)  overload

Loads all plugin modules that fits into specified search pattern, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aFileNames: array of string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean)


  • aFileNames: Search pattern. For example *.dll.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (TStrings, THYClrDomain)  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aFileNames: TStrings; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain)


  • aFileNames: List of strings that holds file pathes.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (TStrings, Boolean)  overload

Loads all plugin modules that fits into specified search pattern, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aFileNames: TStrings; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean)


  • aFileNames: Search pattern. For example *.dll.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (string, THYClrDomain): Integer  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

function LoadModules(const aSearchPath: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): Integer


  • aSearchPath: Search pattern. For example *.dll.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (string, Boolean): Integer  overload

Loads all plugin modules that fits into specified search pattern, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

function LoadModules(const aSearchPath: string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean): Integer


  • aSearchPath: Search pattern. For example *.dll.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (Boolean)  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const InNewAppDomain: Boolean)


  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.


Loads Silverlight module

function LoadSilverlightModule(const aFileName: string): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.


Loads unmanaged crossplatform module

function LoadUnmanagedCrossPlatformModule(const aFileName: string): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.


Loads unmanaged module

function LoadUnmanagedModule(const aFileName: string): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.

ManagedModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates managed module

function ManagedModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain


Searches for a plugin module with given file name. If module can not be found throws EHYException.

function ModuleByFileName(const aFileName: string): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: File name of the plugin module.


Gets number of the loaded plugin modules.

property ModuleCount: Integer read


Gets reference to a plugin module with specified index.

property Modules[Index: Integer]: THYBaseModule read


List that holds pathes to plugin modules. This list can be used by AutoLoad feature or by calling LoadModules method.

property ModulesToLoad: TStrings read write


Gets or sets event handler that is fired after new plugin instance is created.

property OnAfterCreateInstance: THYAfterCreateInstanceEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterCreateInstance(Sender: TObject; const PluginName: string; const anInstance: IInterface)


Gets or sets event handler that fired after plugin module was loaded.

property OnAfterLoadModule: THYLoadedModuleEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterLoadModule(Sender: TObject; Module: THYBaseModule)


Gets or sets event handler that fired after plugin module was unloaded.

property OnAfterUnloadModule: THYUnloadingModuleEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterUnloadModule(Sender: TObject; const FileName: string)


Gets or sets event handler that is fired before new plugin instance is created.

property OnBeforeCreateInstance: THYBeforeCreateInstanceEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeCreateInstance(Sender: TObject; const PluginName: string)


Gets or sets event handler that fired before plugin module is loaded.

property OnBeforeLoadModule: THYLoadingModuleEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeLoadModule(Sender: TObject; const FileName: string; var Continue: Boolean)


Gets or sets event handler that fired before plugin module is loaded.

property OnBeforeUnloadModule: THYLoadedModuleEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeUnloadModule(Sender: TObject; Module: THYBaseModule)


Gets or sets event handler that fired whenever Silverlight plugin requests for an instance of an object. Plese refer to this article for more information.

property OnGetAutomationObject: THYGetAutomationObjectEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnGetAutomationObject(Sender: TObject; const ProgId: string; const Flags: THYGetAutomationObjectFlags; var Disp: IDispatch)


Gets or sets event handler that is triggered when error occurs while plugin module being loaded.

property OnLoadModuleError: THYLoadModuleErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnLoadModuleError(Sender: TObject; Error: Exception; var RaiseException: Boolean)


Gets or sets event handler that is triggered whenever error occurs in Silverlight plugin.

property OnNotifySilverlightError: THYNotifySilverlightErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnNotifySilverlightError(Sender: TObject; const Error: string; const Source: string; const Line: Integer; const Column: Integer)


Gets or sets event handler that fired whenever privilage check is performed.

property OnPrivilegeCheck: THYCustomPrivilegeCheckEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnPrivilegeCheck(Sender: TObject; const aPrivilege: string; var HasPrivilege: Boolean)

QueryInterface  protected reintroduce stdcall

function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj: ): HResult


  • IID:
  • Obj:


Gets or sets value which is used to indicate whether module manager will try to resolve interfaces from its owner or from CustomImplementer.

property ResolveInterfacesToOwner: Boolean read write

SilverlightModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates Silverlight module

function SilverlightModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored

TryLoadModule (string, THYClrDomain): Integer  overload

Loads a plugin module with specified path, type of the plugin will be detected automatically. If succeeds returns index of the module otherwise -1.

function TryLoadModule(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

TryLoadModule (string, Boolean): Integer  overload

Loads a plugin module with specified path, type of the plugin will be detected automatically. If succeeds returns index of the module otherwise -1.

function TryLoadModule(const aFileName: string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

UnloadModule (THYBaseModule)  overload virtual abstract

Unloads specific plugin module

procedure UnloadModule(aModule: THYBaseModule)


  • aModule: The plugin module

UnloadModule (Integer)  overload

Unloads plugin module with specified index.

procedure UnloadModule(Index: Integer)


  • Index: Index of the plugin module.

UnloadModule (string)  overload

Unloads plugin module with specified file name.

procedure UnloadModule(const aFileName: string)


  • aFileName: Index of the plugin module.


Unloads all plugin modules.

procedure UnloadModules

UnmanagedCrossPlatformModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates unmanaged cross platform module

function UnmanagedCrossPlatformModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored

VCLModuleCreator  protected virtual

Creates VCL module

function VCLModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored



Gets or sets value that indicates whether module manager will automaticaly load plugin modules from ModulesToLoad list.

property AutoLoad: Boolean read write


Gets value that indicates whether module manager performing auto-load operation at the moment.

property AutoLoading: Boolean read


Gets or sets reference to a object that will receive QueryInterface calls if module manager unable to process them.

property CustomImplementer: IInterface read write


Gets or sets value that indicates whether module manager will perform security checks when it creates a new instance of the plugin.

property EnforceSecurity: Boolean read write


Gets number of the loaded plugin modules.

property ModuleCount: Integer read


Gets reference to a plugin module with specified index.

property Modules[Index: Integer]: THYBaseModule read


List that holds pathes to plugin modules. This list can be used by AutoLoad feature or by calling LoadModules method.

property ModulesToLoad: TStrings read write


Gets or sets value which is used to indicate whether module manager will try to resolve interfaces from its owner or from CustomImplementer.

property ResolveInterfacesToOwner: Boolean read write


ComModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates COM module

function ComModuleCreator(const aGuid: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aGuid: guid
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored

CreateInstance (string): IInterface  overload

Creates a new instance of the plugin with specified name.

function CreateInstance(const PluginName: string): IInterface


  • PluginName: Name of the plugin instance.

CreateInstance (string, IInterface)  overload virtual abstract

Creates a new instance of the plugin with specified name.

procedure CreateInstance(const PluginName: string; out anInstance: IInterface)


  • PluginName: Name of the plugin instance.
  • anInstance: Pointer to the new instance of the plugin.

CreateWrapper  protected virtual abstract

Creates a new instance of the Delphi plugin wrapper from cross-paltform plugin instance.

function CreateWrapper(aPlugin: IDispatch; aDescriptor: THYPluginDescriptor): IInterface


  • aPlugin: Cross-platform plugin instance
  • aDescriptor: Plugin descriptor


Searches for a plugin module with given name. If module can not be found returns nil.

function FindModule(const aFileName: string): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module file.

FMXModuleCreator  protected virtual

Creates FMX module

function FMXModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored


Seaches for files with specified search pattern and fills aList with file names.

function GetModuleFileNames(aList: TStrings; const aSearchPath: string): Integer


  • aList: List that will be filled with file names.
  • aSearchPath: Search pattern. For example *.dll.

HasPrivilege  virtual

Checks whether specified privilages is supported by this application. This method will use associated UserProfile or (if its not available) will trigger a OnPrivilageCheck event.

function HasPrivilege(const aPrivilege: string): Boolean


  • aPrivilege: User defined privilage.

JavaModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates Java module

function JavaModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored


Loads COM module

function LoadComModule(const aGuid: string): Integer


  • aGuid: guid


Loads Java module

function LoadJavaModule(const aFileName: string): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.

LoadManagedModule (string, THYClrDomain): Integer  overload

Loads managed module

function LoadManagedModule(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain.

LoadManagedModule (string, Boolean): Integer  overload

Loads managed module

function LoadManagedModule(const aFileName: string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain.

LoadModule (string, THYClrDomain): Integer  overload

Loads a plugin module with specified path, type of the plugin will be detected automatically.

function LoadModule(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModule (string, Boolean): Integer  overload

Loads a plugin module with specified path, type of the plugin will be detected automatically.

function LoadModule(const aFileName: string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (THYClrDomain)  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain)


  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (array of string, THYClrDomain)  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aFileNames: array of string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain)


  • aFileNames: Array of strings that holds file pathes.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (array of string, Boolean)  overload

Loads all plugin modules that fits into specified search pattern, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aFileNames: array of string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean)


  • aFileNames: Search pattern. For example *.dll.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (TStrings, THYClrDomain)  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aFileNames: TStrings; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain)


  • aFileNames: List of strings that holds file pathes.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (TStrings, Boolean)  overload

Loads all plugin modules that fits into specified search pattern, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const aFileNames: TStrings; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean)


  • aFileNames: Search pattern. For example *.dll.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (string, THYClrDomain): Integer  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

function LoadModules(const aSearchPath: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): Integer


  • aSearchPath: Search pattern. For example *.dll.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (string, Boolean): Integer  overload

Loads all plugin modules that fits into specified search pattern, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

function LoadModules(const aSearchPath: string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean): Integer


  • aSearchPath: Search pattern. For example *.dll.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

LoadModules (Boolean)  overload

Loads all plugin modules from the ModulesToLoad list, type of the plugins will be detected automatically.

procedure LoadModules(const InNewAppDomain: Boolean)


  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.


Loads Silverlight module

function LoadSilverlightModule(const aFileName: string): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.


Loads unmanaged crossplatform module

function LoadUnmanagedCrossPlatformModule(const aFileName: string): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.


Loads unmanaged module

function LoadUnmanagedModule(const aFileName: string): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.

ManagedModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates managed module

function ManagedModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines default domain


Searches for a plugin module with given file name. If module can not be found throws EHYException.

function ModuleByFileName(const aFileName: string): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: File name of the plugin module.

QueryInterface  protected reintroduce stdcall

function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj: ): HResult


  • IID:
  • Obj:

SilverlightModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates Silverlight module

function SilverlightModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored

TryLoadModule (string, THYClrDomain): Integer  overload

Loads a plugin module with specified path, type of the plugin will be detected automatically. If succeeds returns index of the module otherwise -1.

function TryLoadModule(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • aDefaultDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

TryLoadModule (string, Boolean): Integer  overload

Loads a plugin module with specified path, type of the plugin will be detected automatically. If succeeds returns index of the module otherwise -1.

function TryLoadModule(const aFileName: string; const InNewAppDomain: Boolean): Integer


  • aFileName: Path to the plugin module.
  • InNewAppDomain: Defines whether plugin module will be loaded in a separate AppDomain. Affects only managed plugin modules.

UnloadModule (THYBaseModule)  overload virtual abstract

Unloads specific plugin module

procedure UnloadModule(aModule: THYBaseModule)


  • aModule: The plugin module

UnloadModule (Integer)  overload

Unloads plugin module with specified index.

procedure UnloadModule(Index: Integer)


  • Index: Index of the plugin module.

UnloadModule (string)  overload

Unloads plugin module with specified file name.

procedure UnloadModule(const aFileName: string)


  • aFileName: Index of the plugin module.


Unloads all plugin modules.

procedure UnloadModules

UnmanagedCrossPlatformModuleCreator  protected virtual abstract

Creates unmanaged cross platform module

function UnmanagedCrossPlatformModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored

VCLModuleCreator  protected virtual

Creates VCL module

function VCLModuleCreator(const aFileName: string; const aDefaultDomain: THYClrDomain): THYBaseModule


  • aFileName: filename
  • aDefaultDomain: ignored



Gets or sets event handler that is fired after new plugin instance is created.

property OnAfterCreateInstance: THYAfterCreateInstanceEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterCreateInstance(Sender: TObject; const PluginName: string; const anInstance: IInterface)


Gets or sets event handler that fired after plugin module was loaded.

property OnAfterLoadModule: THYLoadedModuleEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterLoadModule(Sender: TObject; Module: THYBaseModule)


Gets or sets event handler that fired after plugin module was unloaded.

property OnAfterUnloadModule: THYUnloadingModuleEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterUnloadModule(Sender: TObject; const FileName: string)


Gets or sets event handler that is fired before new plugin instance is created.

property OnBeforeCreateInstance: THYBeforeCreateInstanceEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeCreateInstance(Sender: TObject; const PluginName: string)


Gets or sets event handler that fired before plugin module is loaded.

property OnBeforeLoadModule: THYLoadingModuleEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeLoadModule(Sender: TObject; const FileName: string; var Continue: Boolean)


Gets or sets event handler that fired before plugin module is loaded.

property OnBeforeUnloadModule: THYLoadedModuleEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeUnloadModule(Sender: TObject; Module: THYBaseModule)


Gets or sets event handler that fired whenever Silverlight plugin requests for an instance of an object. Plese refer to this article for more information.

property OnGetAutomationObject: THYGetAutomationObjectEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnGetAutomationObject(Sender: TObject; const ProgId: string; const Flags: THYGetAutomationObjectFlags; var Disp: IDispatch)


Gets or sets event handler that is triggered when error occurs while plugin module being loaded.

property OnLoadModuleError: THYLoadModuleErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnLoadModuleError(Sender: TObject; Error: Exception; var RaiseException: Boolean)


Gets or sets event handler that is triggered whenever error occurs in Silverlight plugin.

property OnNotifySilverlightError: THYNotifySilverlightErrorEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnNotifySilverlightError(Sender: TObject; const Error: string; const Source: string; const Line: Integer; const Column: Integer)


Gets or sets event handler that fired whenever privilage check is performed.

property OnPrivilegeCheck: THYCustomPrivilegeCheckEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnPrivilegeCheck(Sender: TObject; const aPrivilege: string; var HasPrivilege: Boolean)