Hydra for Delphi


Class Notes
THYActionItemDef Base class for all control repository items. This class is used to represent an item that can connect to an Action.
THYAutoUpdateService The THYAutoUpdateService service implements the basic functionality of an auto update service. Please refere to this article for more information.
THYAutoUpdateService_Proxy THYAutoUpdateService_Proxy is a proxy class for the IHYAutoUpdateService interface. This class provides methods for receiving update information from the Hydra Auto Update server.
THYBaseDescriptor This is the base class for Hydra descriptor objects.
THYBaseMenuController The THYBaseMenuController base class provides methods for dealing with menu objects. The Hydra framework uses controller classes to establish a connection with a specific menu object.
THYBaseMenuItem THYBaseMenuItem is a base class for menu items in the Hydra framework. This class implements the IHYVCLMenuItem interface and provides basic functionality for menu item manipulation.
THYBaseModule The THYBaseModule is a base class that represents a module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYBaseModuleManager The THYBaseModuleManager class is a base class that centralizes module management in the Hydra host appliations. This class allows to load plugin modules, create plugin instances and manage custom interfaces.
THYBasePluginFactory Represents the abstract base class that provides common functionality for the plugin factories.
THYBaseToolbar The THYBaseToolbar is a base class for toolbars in the Hydra framework. This class implements the IHYVCLToolbar interface and provides basic functionality for toolbars manipulation.
THYBaseToolbarController The THYBaseToolbarController base class provides methods for dealing with toolbar objects. The Hydra framework uses controller classes to establish a connection with a specific toolbar object.
THYBaseToolbarItem The THYBaseToolbarItem is a base class for toolbar items in the Hydra framework. This class implements the IHYVCLToolbarItem and provides basic functionality for toolbar item manipulation.
THYClr The THYClr is a class that responsible for interaction with CLR. This class is used internally to initialize and manage .NET CLR. Please note that process can initialize CLR only once, so if you need to access to CLR pleases use global variable named...
THYClrAppDomain The THYClrAppDomain is a class that responsible for interaction for Application Domains. This class is used internally to control AppDomain for a managed plugins. For more infromation about the AppDomain interaction please use this [http://msdn...
THYComModule The THYComModule is a class that represents a COM module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYControl The THYControl base class for user interface controls implements the IHYVCLControl interface and provides access to standard properties like Action, Index and Caption. In the Hydra framework, the THYControl class is used as a base class for all menu and toolbar items.
THYCrossPlatformAction The THYCrossPlatformAction class is the class that used internally to provide an ablility to work with actions that is defined in the .NET plugins.
THYCrossPlatformManagedModule The THYCrossPlatformManagedModule is a class that represents a cross-platform managed module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYCrossPlatformModule The THYCrossPlatformModule is a class that represents a cross-platform module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptor The THYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptor class provides a plugin descriptor for cross-platform plugins. In the Hydra framework, plugin descriptors are used to store specific plugin information like name or type.
THYCustomFile The THYCustomFile class is a base class that defines the minimum attributes of a file entry.
THYCustomFileSearchInfo The THYCustomFileSearchInfo class has only been introduced to provide an implementation for the GetDisplayName method.
THYDirectory The THYDirectory class provides a convenient and object oriented way to access disk directories.
THYDirectoryManager The THYDirectoryManager component is used to provide simplified (RAD) access to classes such as THYDirectory and THYFile.
THYDXMenuController The THYDXMenuController class provides methods for dealing with DevExpress menu objects. This class is used to establish a connection between the Hydra framework and a specific menu component.
THYDXToolbarController The THYDXToolbarController class provides methods for dealing with DevExpress toolbar objects. This class is used to establish a connection between the Hydra framework and a specific toolbar component.
THYFakeIDispatch The THYFakeIDispatch class is an empty class that implements the IDispatch interface. Since all cross-platform interfaces inherit from IDispatch, every object that implements this interface must also implement the IDispatch methods. In most cases, these methods are not needed and the THYFakeIDispatch...
THYFile The THYFile class provides a convenient and object oriented way to access disk files.
THYFileSearchInfo The THYFileSearchInfo class is used in the collection properties of the THYAutoUpdateClient component and the THYAutoUpdateService base service to identify the directories and files targeted by the update process.
THYFileUpdateInfo The THYFileUpdateInfo class is used by auto update services and clients to exchange information about updates during the update process.
THYFireMonkeyModule The THYFireMonkeyModule class is a class that represents a FireMonkey plugin module loaded by the Hydra. This class is used internally by the Hydra framework to load and initialize FireMonkey plugins.
THYFMXControlAsVisualPlugin The THYFMXControlAsVisualPlugin wrapper class implements the IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin interface and provides methods needed to use FreMonkey visual plugins inside host.
THYFMXFireMonkeyModule The THYFMXFireMonkeyModule is a class that represents a FMX module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYFMXModuleController The purpose of the THYFMXModuleController component is to centralize plugin registration in the Hydra module DLL. Each Hydra plugin in the DLL registers itself with the module controller, and the host application uses the module controller for...
THYFMXModuleManager The THYFMXModuleManager class is a class that centralizes module management in the Hydra host appliations. This class allows to load plugin modules, create plugin instances and manage custom interfaces.
THYFMXNativeHostPanel The THYFMXNativeHostPanel is a base control for a visual plugin placeholders. This control provides basic method for hosting visual plugin instances.
THYFMXNativePanel The THYFMXNativePanel is a base control for a visual plugin placeholders. This panel creates an underlying native window to be able to act as a parent window for visual plugins.
THYFMXNonVisualPlugin THYFMXNonVisualPlugin is the base class for Hydra FMX non-visual plugins. You will use this class as a base for your own non-visual plugins, please refer to this article for more information about non-visual...
THYFMXObjectAsPlugin The THYFMXObjectAsPlugin is a base wrapper class that implements the IHYCrossPlatformPlugin and the IHYCrossPlatformInterface and provides methods needed to use FireMonkey plugins inside host.
THYFMXSilverlightDescriptor The THYFMXSilverlightDescriptor class provides plugin descriptors for Silverlight plugins. In the Hydra framework, plugin descriptors are used to store specific plugin information like name or type.
THYFMXSilverlightModule The THYFMXSilverlightModule is a class that represents a silverlight module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYFMXVisualPlugin THYFMXVisualPlugin is the base class for Hydra FMX visual plugins. You will use this class as a base for your own visual plugins, please refere to this article for more information about visual plugins...
THYGC The THYGC class provides methods for obtaining information about the garbage collection system and for controlling some aspects of garbage collection. For more information please use this [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms404472.aspx MSDN...
THYHydraAction THYHydraAction is installed as an action class with the VCL action manager. Create actions of this class in visual plugins to allow show them in a host application and provide host with an ablitiy to enable or disable them based on user privileges.
THYJavaModule The THYJavaModule is a class that represents a java module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYJavaModuleController The purpose of the THYJavaModuleController component is to centralize plugin registration in the Hydra Java module. This class is used internnaly by the Hydra core to work with Java modules.
THYJavaPluginDescriptor THYJavaPluginDescriptor is the class that holds description of a Java plugin.
THYLocalService Use the THYLocalService component in a Hydra application for accessing any local service implemented in either the host application itself or in a Hydra module loaded by the host application.
THYManagedDescriptor The THYManagedDescriptor class provides plugin descriptors for managed plugins. In the Hydra framework, plugin descriptors are used to store specific plugin information like name or type.
THYManagedModule The THYManagedModule class is a class that represents a managed plugin module loaded by the Hydra. This class is used internally by the Hydra framework to load and initialize .NET plugins.
THYManagedModuleController The THYManagedModuleController class is used internally to provide support for managed plugins. In the Hydra framework, this class is used internally by the THYManagedModule to load and initialize managed modules.
THYManagedPluginDescriptor The THYManagedPluginDescriptor class provides a plugin descriptor for managed plugins. In the Hydra framework, plugin descriptors are used to store specific plugin information like name or type.
THYMenuItemDef The THYMenuItemDef class is used to represent a menu item definition. Items of this type are stored inside a THYPluginControlsRepository component and used to create menu items at runtime.
THYMenuItemDefList The THYMenuItemDefList class is a collection of THYMenuItemDef items.
THYModule The THYModule is a class that represents a module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYModuleController Alias for the %THYVCLModuleController%
THYModuleManager The THYModuleManager class is a class that centralizes module management in the Hydra host appliations. This class allows to load plugin modules, create plugin instances and manage custom interfaces. For more information about Hydra host application please...
THYNonVisualPlugin THYNonVisualPlugin is the base class for Hydra non-visual cross-platform plugins. You will use this class as a base for your own non-visual cross-platform plugins, please refer to this article for more information...
THYObjectReference The THYObjectReference base class implements the IHYVCLObjectReference interface and provides basic functionality needed to access an object wrapped by other objects, such as user interface items.
THYPlugin The THYPlugin is a base abstract class for all types of plugins.
THYPluginControlsRepository The THYPluginControlsRepository class is a component that stores the definition of menu items and toolbars inside a plugin, and provides an ability to merge those items into the host application.
THYPluginDescriptor THYPluginDescriptor is the class that holds description of a plugin.
THYPluginFactory The THYPluginFactory factory class is used for unmanaged plugins. This factory is used internally in the Hydra framework to create new instances of the unmanaged plugins.
THYRepositoryCollection The THYRepositoryCollection class is the base class for collection of menu and toolbar items in the Delphi plugin.
THYRepositoryCollectionItem The THYRepositoryCollectionItem is a base class for Hydra repository items.
THYRODLReader Use THYRODLReader in a Remoting SDK Server application for accessing the RODL definition of services declared and implemented in Hydra modules. This functionality...
THYROModuleManager The THYROModuleManager is a subclass of THYModuleManager that can be used with Remoting SDK components. This class allows you to hook up message and [channel](https://docs...
THYROSimpleModuleManager The THYROSimpleModuleManager is a subclass of THYSimpleModuleManager that can be used with Remoting SDK components. This class allows you to hook up message and...
THYServicePluginDescriptor THYServicePluginDescriptor is the class that holds description of a Remoting SDK service plugin.
THYServicePluginFactory The THYServicePluginFactory factory class is used for Remoting SDK service plugins. This factory is used internally in the Hydra framework to create new instances of the Remoting SDK service plugins.
THYSilverlightModule The THYSilverlightModule is a class that represents a silverlight module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYSilverlightModuleController The purpose of the THYSilverlightModuleController component is to centralize plugin registration in the Hydra Silverlight module. This class is used internnaly by the Hydra core to work with silverlight modules.
THYSilverlightPluginDescriptor The THYSilverlightPluginDescriptor class provides plugin descriptors for Silverlight plugins. In the Hydra framework, plugin descriptors are used to store specific plugin information like name or type.
THYSimpleModuleController The purpose of the THYVCLModuleController component is to centralize plugin registration in the Hydra module DLL. Each Hydra plugin in the DLL registers itself with the module controller, and the host application uses the module controller for...
THYSimpleModuleManager The THYSimpleModuleManager class is a class that centralizes module management in the Hydra host appliations. This class allows to load non-visual cross-platform plugin modules, create plugin instances and manage custom interfaces.
THYStdVCLMenuController The THYStdVCLMenuController class provides methods for dealing with VCL TMainMenu objects. This class is used to establish a connection between the Hydra framework and a specific menu component.
THYStdVCLToolbarController The THYStdVCLToolbarController class provides methods for dealing with VCL TToolbar objects. This class is used to establish a connection between the Hydra framework and a specific toolbar component.
THYTB2KMenuController The THYTB2KMenuController class provides methods for dealing with ToolBar2000 menu objects. This class is used to establish a connection between the Hydra framework and a specific menu component.
THYTB2KToolbarController The THYTB2KToolbarController class provides methods for dealing with ToolBar2000 toolbar objects. This class is used to establish a connection between the Hydra framework and a specific toolbar component.
THYToolbarDef The THYToolbarDef class is used to represent a toolbar definition. Items of this type are stored inside a THYPluginControlsRepository component and used to create toolbars at runtime.
THYToolbarDefList The THYToolbarDefList class is a collection of THYToolbarDef items.
THYToolbarItemDefList The THYToolbarItemDefList class is a collection of THYToolbarItemDef items.
THYUnmanagedModule The THYUnmanagedModule is a class that represents a cross-platform unmanaged module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYUnmanagedPluginDescriptor The THYUnmanagedPluginDescriptor class provides plugin descriptors for unmanaged plugins.
THYUnmanagedRegisteredPlugin The THYUnmanagedCrossPlatformRegisteredPlugin is support class that used internally
THYUpdateableController The THYUpdateableController class provides a batch mechanism to manage all sets of menu items, menus, toolbars etc. that are added to the host by plugins.
THYUserProfile The THYUserProfile is a class that is used to manage user profile and plugin privileges.
THYUserProfileAttribute THYUserProfileAttribute class provides storage for name/value pairs.
THYUserProfileAttributes The THYUserProfileAttributes is a collection of THYUserProfileAttribute objects.
THYVCLComModule The THYVCLComModule is a class that represents a VCL COM module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYVCLControlAsNonVisualPlugin The THYVCLControlAsNonVisualPlugin wrapper class implements theIHYCrossPlatformNonVisualPlugin interface and provides methods needed to use Delphi non visual plugins inside managed hosts.
THYVCLControlAsVisualPlugin The THYVCLControlAsVisualPlugin wrapper class implements the IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin interface and provides methods needed to use cross-paltform visual plugins inside host.
THYVCLCrossPlatformPanel The THYVCLCrossPlatformPanel is a panel that is used internally to host cross-platform visual plugins. In the Hydra framework, this class is used by the THYVCLCrossPlatformVisualPluginWrapper to pass Windows keyboard messages to the underlying plugins.
THYVCLCrossPlatformPluginFactory The THYVCLCrossPlatformPluginFactory factory class is used internally in the Hydra framework to create new instances of VCL cross-platform plugins.
THYVCLJavaModule The THYVCLJavaModule is a class that represents a java module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYVCLModule The THYVCLModule is a class that represents a VCL module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYVCLModuleController The purpose of the THYVCLModuleController component is to centralize plugin registration in the Hydra module DLL. Each Hydra plugin in the DLL registers itself with the module controller, and the host application uses the module controller for...
THYVCLNonVisualPlugin THYNonVisualPlugin is the base class for Hydra VCL non-visual plugins. You will use this class as a base for your own non-visual plugins, please refer to this article for more information about non-visual...
THYVCLServicePluginDescriptor THYVCLServicePluginDescriptor is the class that holds description of a Remoting SDK service plugin.
THYVCLSilverlightModule The THYVCLSilverlightModule is a class that represents a silverlight module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYVCLSimpleModuleManager The THYVCLSimpleModuleManager class is a class that centralizes module management in the Hydra host appliations. This class allows to load cross-platform plugin modules, create plugin instances and manage custom interfaces.
THYVCLUnmanagedModule The THYVCLUnmanagedModule is a class that represents a unmanaged module loaded by the Hydra framework.
THYVCLVisualPlugin THYVisualPlugin is the base class for Hydra VCL visual plugins. You will use this class as a base for your own visual plugins, please refere to this article for more information about visual plugins.
THYVisualPlugin Alias for THYVCLVisualPlugin. Added for backward compatibility.


Interface Notes
IHYAutoUpdateService The IHYAutoUpdateService interface defines the base set of functionality all auto update services need to support, in order to be accessible by the THYAutoUpdateClient component.
IHYCrossPlatformAction The IHYCrossPlatformAction interface describes an action item that can be passed between platforms. This interface is used internally to transfer actions, you don't need to use this interface directly, instead you can IHYVCLPlugin to get access to a...
IHYCrossPlatformActionList The IHYCrossPlatformActionList interface defines an action list that can be used in a cross platfrom environment. This interface is used to pass actions between host and plugins. There is no need to use this interface directly instead you can use PluginActions property of the IHYVCLPlugin...
IHYCrossPlatformActions The IHYCrossPlatformActions interface represents actions that can be used in a cross platform environment. This interface is used by the unmanaged hosts to retrieve and execute actions in the managed plugins.
IHYCrossPlatformFireMonkeyVisualPlugin This interface is designed for identification of FMX visual plugins
IHYCrossPlatformHost The IHYCrossPlatformHost interface is implemented by the host side THYSimpleModuleManager component.
IHYCrossPlatformInterface The IHYCrossPlatformInterface is a base interface for cross platform interfaces.
IHYCrossPlatformModule The IHYCrossPlatformModule interface defines the cross platform module. This interface is used by the managed hosts to interact with unmanamged plugins.
IHYCrossPlatformModuleController The IHYCrossPlatformModuleController interface defines a cross-platform module controller that is used to centralize plugin registration in the Hydra framework.
IHYCrossPlatformNonVisualPlugin The IHYCrossPlatformNonVisualPlugin interface represents cross-platform non-visual plugins. In the Hydra framework, this interface is implemented by both managed and unmaged non-visual plugins to enable cross-platform interaction.
IHYCrossPlatformPlugin The IHYCrossPlatformPlugin is a base cross-platform plugin interface. This interface is an ancestor of all plugin interfaces that support cross-platform interaction. The Hydra framework uses the IHYCrossPlatformPlugin interface to define and manage plugins in a cross-platform environment.
IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptor IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptor is an interface that defines a cross platform descriptor. This interface is used by the managed hosts to retrieve information from the unmanaged plugins.
IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptorEx The IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptorEx inteface extends IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptor interfaces to provide additional data about a plugin. Usualy you won't use this interface since it is already used by a Hydra core, instead you can...
IHYCrossPlatformSilverlightHost IHYCrossPlatformSilverlightHost is an interface that describes silverlight host object and allows silverlight plugins to query automation objects or report errors in XAML DOM. There is no need to implement this interfaces manually, since it is already implemented in the Hydra module managers, so instead of using this interface directly you will interact with THYModuleManager or THYFMXModuleManager classes.
IHYCrossPlatformStringList The IHYCrossPlatformStringList interface represents a list of strings that can be used in a cross platform environment.
IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin The IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin interface represents a cross platform visual plugin. In the Hydra framework, this interface is used internally to define and provide implementations for visual plugins that can be used in cross platform applications...
IHYCrossPlatformVisualPluginEx The IHYCrossPlatformVisualPluginEx interface extends IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin interface. This interface is used internally to provide ability to a managed host to notify unmanaged plugin when shortcuts keys is pressed.
IHYCrossPlatformWrapper The IHYCrossPlatformWrapper interface is used to provide methods for a wrapper for managed plugins that use WPF. In the Hydra framework, this interface is implemented by the VisualPluginWrapper class to provide base implementation...
IHYDirectoryAttributes The IHYDirectoryAttributes interface defines a base set of methods and properties that is used to manage directories. In the Hydra framework, this interface is implemented by the THYDirectory and THYDirectoryManager classes.
IHYFMXForm The IHYFMXForm interface is used to control caret behavior in the FireMonkey visual plugins.
IHYFMXHost The IHYFMXHost interface is implemented by the host side THYFMXModuleManager component.
IHYFMXHostAware The IHYFMXHostAware is the base interface for objects that can access to a host reference. IHYFMXHostAware is used by the top classes that are used in Hydra plugin modules, such as THYFMXModuleController, THYFMXVisualPlugin and THYFMXNonVisualPlugin.
IHYFMXNonVisualPlugin IHYFMXNonVisualPlugin is the interface of non-visual Hydra plugins. It is implemented by the THYFMXNonVisualPlugin data module class.
IHYFMXPlugin Used for identification of FMX plugins
IHYFMXVisualPlugin IHYFMXVisualPlugin is the interface of visual Hydra plugins. It is implemented by the THYFMXVisualPlugin form class.
IHYLoginForm The IHYLoginForm interface used by the THYUserProfile class to get access to a login details.
IHYPluginFactorySupport IHYPluginFactorySupport - the support interface used for registering class factories from VCL plugins inside THYModuleController instance
IHYRemObjectsHost The IHYRemObjectsHost interface is used to define hosts that supports RO SDK components. There is no need to use this interface directly since it is already implemented by the THYROModuleManager component.
IHYVCLControl IHYVCLControl is the base interface for all controls created by a user interface controller in a host application.
IHYVCLHost The IHYVCLHost interface is implemented by the host side THYModuleManager component. The plugin uses the IHYVCLHost interface for access to the host, such as calling the SendMessage method for callbacks into the host.
IHYVCLHostAware The IHYVCLHostAware is the base interface for objects that can access to a host reference. IHYVCLHostAware is used by the top classes that are used in Hydra plugin modules, such as THYVCLModuleController, THYVCLVisualPlugin and THYVCLNonVisualPlugin.
IHYVCLImage The IHYVCLImage interface represents a user interface control that supports an image. In the Hydra framework, this interface is used by the THYPluginControlsRepository if the control image cannot be set via the image list and needs to be set directly.
IHYVCLInstanceCounting The IHYVCLInstanceCounting interface enables instance counting for the plugin factory. In the Hydra framework, this interface is used by the THYPluginFactory class to provide information about the number of created plugin instances.
IHYVCLMenuController The IHYVCLMenuController interface defines the standard interface all menu controllers need to implement.
IHYVCLMenuItem IHYVCLMenuItem is an interface that represents menu items for the Hydra framework. Inside the Hydra framework, this interface is used to provide support for menu merging between host and plugins.
IHYVCLModuleController This interface is designed for identification of THYVCLModuleController.
IHYVCLNonVisualPlugin IHYVCLNonVisualPlugin is the interface of non-visual Hydra plugins. It is implemented by the THYVCLNonVisualPlugin data module class.
IHYVCLObjectReference IHYVCLObjectReference is a base interface that provides access to an object wrapped by objects such as user interface items.
IHYVCLPlugin IHYVCLPlugin is the ancestor of all Delphi Hydra plugin interfaces.
IHYVCLSubImageList The IHYVCLSubImageList interface represents user interface control that supports image lists. In the Hydra framework, this interface is used by the THYPluginControlsRepository to set up host control with plugin images.
IHYVCLToolbar The IHYVCLToolbar interface defines the interface all controllers must support for toolbars generated by the user.
IHYVCLToolbarController The IHYVCLToolbarController interface defines the standard interface all menu controllers need to implement.
IHYVCLUpdateableController Updateable controllers provide a batch mechanism to manage every set of menu items, menus, toolbars etc. that a plugin adds to the host.
IHYVCLVisualPlugin IHYVCLVisualPlugin is the interface of visual Hydra plugins. It is implemented by the THYVCLVisualPlugin form class.


Enum Notes
TExecutableType The TExecutableType enum specifies the type of a plugin module. You can get an executable type by calling GetExecutableType method that is defined in the uHYCLRHelpers.pas.
THYActionDisableOption The THYActionDisableOption describes set of options that is available for Hydra actions. You can set this option for an individual THYHydraAction item.
THYActionDisplayOption The THYActionDisplayOption describes set of options that is available for Hydra actions. You can set this option for an individual THYHydraAction item.
THYDirectoryOption The THYDirectoryOption enum is used by a THYDirectory and THYDirectoryManager to control how directory attrbiutes is processed.
THYDirectoryRefreshOption The THYDirectoryRefreshOption enum is used by the THYDirectory class to control what items is processed by the Refresh method.
THYGetAutomationObjectFlags The THYGetAutomationObjectFlags enum represents a set of flags which describes an action that was requested by a Silverlight plugin.
THYLoginResult The THYLoginResult enum is used by the THYUserProfile to described result of a login.
THYMenuItemDefType The THYMenuItemDefType enum defines type of the menu item.
THYMenuPositioning The THYMenuPositioning enum is used to define menu item positioning.
THYMergeControlOption The THYMergeControlOption enum is used to define what items are merged.
THYPluginType The THYPluginType enum defines the type of a plugin.
THYReferenceCountOperation The THYReferenceCountOperation enum is used to define a reference counting operation.


Exception Notes
EHYException EHYException is the exception class for Hydra failure.


Alias Type
array of JBoolean
array of JByte
array of JChar
array of JDouble
array of JFloat
array of JInt
array of JLong
array of JObject
array of JShort
array of JValue
array of Byte
set of THYActionDisableOption
set of THYActionDisplayOption
set of THYDirectoryOption
set of THYDirectoryRefreshOption
array of IDispatch
array of THYFileSearchInfo
array of THYFileUpdateInfo
set of THYMergeControlOption
array of JChar
array of UnicodeString