

Class Notes
FakeIDispatch The FakeIDispatch class is an empty class that implements the IDispatch interface. Since all cross-platform interfaces inherit from IDispatch, every object that implements this interface must also implement the IDispatch methods. In most cases, these methods are not needed and the FakeIDispatch...
ModuleController Module controller is an entry point of a module, module controller supply's host with information about stored plugins and provides a methods that allows host to instantiate and work with plugins.
NonVisualPlugin The NonVisualPlugin is a base class for a Hydra non-visual plugins. You will use this class as a base for your own non-visual plugins, please refere to this article for more information about non-visual...
Plugin The Plugin is a abstract base class for a Hydra plugins.
PluginDescriptor The PluginDescriptor class represents a plugin descriptor of a loaded plugin. This class provides access to a plugin metadata such as description or version number.


Interface Notes
IHYCrossPlatformHost The IHYCrossPlatformHost is a base interface for a cross platform hosts.
IHYCrossPlatformInterface The IHYCrossPlatformInterface is a base interface for cross platform interfaces.
IHYCrossPlatformModule The IHYCrossPlatformModule interface defines the cross platform module. This interface is used by the managed hosts to interact with unmanamged plugins.
IHYCrossPlatformModuleController The IHYCrossPlatformModuleController interface defines a cross-platform module controller that is used to centralize plugin registration in the Hydra framework.
IHYCrossPlatformNonVisualPlugin The IHYCrossPlatformNonVisualPlugin interface represents cross-platform non-visual plugins. In the Hydra framework, this interface is implemented by both managed and umnaged non-visual plugins to enable cross-platform interaction.
IHYCrossPlatformPlugin The IHYCrossPlatformPlugin is a base cross-platform plugin interface. This interface is an ancestor of all plugin interfaces that support cross-platform interaction. The Hydra framework uses the IHYCrossPlatformPlugin interface to define and manage plugins in a cross-platform environment.
IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptor IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptor is an interface that defines a cross platform descriptor. This interface is used by the managed hosts to retrieve information from the unmanaged plugins.
IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptorEx The IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptorEx inteface extends IHYCrossPlatformPluginDescriptor interfaces to provide additional data about a plugin. Usualy you won't use this interface since it is already used by a Hydra core, instead you can...


Attribute Notes
NonVisualPlugin The PluginAttribute class is a custom plugin attirubute that defines a non-visual plugin. Hydra uses this attribute to locate plugins within assembly and to get access to meta-data. Every Hydra plugin must have a set of attributes to allow...
Plugin The PluginAttribute is a base class for a custom plugins attirubte. Hydra uses this attribute to locate plugins within assembly and to get access to meta-data. Every Hydra plugin must have a set of attributes to allow host application properly...
PluginType Represents an abstract base class for a plugin custom attributes. You will usually deal with VisualPluginAttribute and NonVisualPluginAttribute, which are descendants from this class.

