

THYFMXVisualPlugin is the base class for Hydra FMX visual plugins. You will use this class as a base for your own visual plugins, please refere to this article for more information about visual plugins.



constructor Create  override

Creates a new instance of the class.

constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)


  • AOwner: Reference to an owner object.

AfterConstruction  override

Overriden. Responds after the last constructor has executed.

procedure AfterConstruction

ControlAsPlugin  protected

Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform plugin.

property ControlAsPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformPlugin read

ControlAsVisualPlugin  protected

Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin read

CreateHandle  protected override

Overriden. Creates the window for this form and assigns it a handle.

procedure CreateHandle

Design  protected

Gets value that idicates whether control is in design state.

property Design: Boolean read

Host  protected

The reference to the plugin host interface.

property Host: IHYFMXHost read

InitializeNewForm  override

Overriden. Performs several initializations required by this form.

procedure InitializeNewForm

MouseDown  override

Overriden. Executes each time you press a mouse button.

procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Single; Y: Single)


  • Button: Specifies the mouse button that has been pressed.
  • Shift: Determines the state of the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys at the moment you press the mouse button.
  • X: Specifies the horizontal position of the mouse.
  • Y: Specifies the vertical position of the mouse.

NewInstance  override

Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.

class function NewInstance: TObject


Gets or sets event handler that fires whenever time tab key is pressed.

property OnProcessTabKey: THYProcessTabKeyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProcessTabKey(Sender: TObject; const Shift: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)


Gets or sets event handler that fired whenever reference to a host changed.

property OnSetHost: THYHostSetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHost(const Sender: TObject; const aHost: IHYFMXHost)

QueryInterface  protected override

function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj: ): HResult


  • IID:
  • Obj:


ControlAsPlugin  protected

Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform plugin.

property ControlAsPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformPlugin read

ControlAsVisualPlugin  protected

Gets a reference to the control as a cross platform visual plugin.

property ControlAsVisualPlugin: IHYCrossPlatformVisualPlugin read

Design  protected

Gets value that idicates whether control is in design state.

property Design: Boolean read

Host  protected

The reference to the plugin host interface.

property Host: IHYFMXHost read


NewInstance  override

Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.

class function NewInstance: TObject


constructor Create  override

Creates a new instance of the class.

constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)


  • AOwner: Reference to an owner object.

AfterConstruction  override

Overriden. Responds after the last constructor has executed.

procedure AfterConstruction

CreateHandle  protected override

Overriden. Creates the window for this form and assigns it a handle.

procedure CreateHandle

InitializeNewForm  override

Overriden. Performs several initializations required by this form.

procedure InitializeNewForm

MouseDown  override

Overriden. Executes each time you press a mouse button.

procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Single; Y: Single)


  • Button: Specifies the mouse button that has been pressed.
  • Shift: Determines the state of the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys at the moment you press the mouse button.
  • X: Specifies the horizontal position of the mouse.
  • Y: Specifies the vertical position of the mouse.

QueryInterface  protected override

function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj: ): HResult


  • IID:
  • Obj:



Gets or sets event handler that fires whenever time tab key is pressed.

property OnProcessTabKey: THYProcessTabKeyEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnProcessTabKey(Sender: TObject; const Shift: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)


Gets or sets event handler that fired whenever reference to a host changed.

property OnSetHost: THYHostSetEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnSetHost(const Sender: TObject; const aHost: IHYFMXHost)